Summaries for each of the links in our main menu above.
Joining VRC
There's lots of ways to join VRC: through socials, our mailing list, our monthly Venus-Moon gatherings, and our unique membership.
Work with Jemma
Check-out the right-hand tab or use the links in the menu to book a session with VRC founder and astro*guide, Jemma.
Sky Language
Jemma's interpretation of the storied Universe, her latest astro shares, and how to book a session with her.
Our Ancestory
Yes, that's a deliberate typo. This is how we remember the eternal Feminine, by peering into our deepest past and reclaiming HERstory.
The Rosarium
A (free!) seasonal digital 'zine attuned to Nature's energies and the astrology, co-created with Lorna Howarth.
Dream Temple
A separate portal and membership where Jemma shares her deeply restful and restorative practices.
About Venus Rose Club (VRC)
Our Intention
To remember the forgotten Feminine by restorying our past narratives and reviving Her love and grace in each of us.
Our Way
Symbolic language, truth work, and self-healing that bring forth a beautiful future.
Myth as Medicine
Myth is a timeless tool that can help us make sense of ourselves, and the world around us. Through mythos, mystery, and the imaginal we touch a type of healing that logos and logic cannot provide.
Galactic as Guide
Your birth chart is a blueprint for your soul in its current expression. VRCs approach to astrology is to work with the potentiality presented by the planets and their cosmic cousins, and to ground this energy into everyday life.
Body as Wisdom
Let's quieten the mind and return to the body. Jemma's in-person and online experiences work with ancient wisdoms (like Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra) and energy systems (like Aura Soma, colour and crystals) to awaken the body's deep memory and inner truth.
Contact Jemma (me): and check out the 'Work with me' page.
Personal Readings
I offer astrology readings, (natal, transit, and more) with the option to weave in the wisdoms of Human Design and Gene Keys. I also offer in-depth readings of your Venus placement and Venus Return.
1-to-1 Coaching
My current coaching offer interplays your life, your birth chart, and the transit astrology to help guide you in an aligned and intentional way. This coaching programme is minimum 3 months. There's an option to work with mythology also.
Seasonal Offerings
I've just closed my seasonal programme for 2023: Return to Radiance, in honour of Venus Retrograde cycle. VRC members will be invited to a new container this Autumn where we will restore through practices of sacred rest. Check-out VRCs memberships or get in touch!
Bespoke Offerings
I'm currently creating prototype handbooks for my clients which blend together digital art, mythopoetics, ritual, and astrology to bring the story of their birth chart to life. A formal launch is on the horizon.
For more information and creds, see the 'About' link in the footer.